Gesünder durch Partizipation

Die Politik- und Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin Katharina Crepaz hat sich mit dem Einfluss gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe auf die Gesundheit beschäftigt - und dafür den Habilitationspreis der TU München erhalten.

Dreaming of a professional soccer career

As part of our Inside edition, we go behind the doors of Eurac Research, to discover the people who keep the wheels turning at our headquarters. In a revealing interview Kydoe Sarr Ibrahima recounts his escape from The Gambia and the winding road that brought him to Bolzano/Bozen where he is currently working at Eurac Research in the maintenance department.

Lebensgeschichten von Dörchern und Vagabunden

Als Walther von der Vogelweide singend und dichtend durch die Lande zog, hing dem Ganzen ein romantisches Mäntelchen um. In der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts hingegen wurden durch Tirol ziehende Personen gerne als Vagabunden und „Dörcher“ tituliert. Francesca Brunet vom Kompetenzzentrum für Regionalgeschichte legt ihren Forschungsschwerpunkt auf diese Wanderbewegungen und spiegelt die oftmals negative Wahrnehmung der durchziehenden Menschen, die bis heute nachhallt.

Showtime for South Tyrol's Autonomy

Celebrating a year of the Autonomy Experience. An interview with Center Director, Marc Röggla.

Vittime o campioni? Semplicemente giovani adulti

Ci sono quelli ambiziosi e quelli meno motivati, quelli più brillanti della media e quelli meno dotati. Le origini della famiglia sono un condizionamento da non trascurare, ma gli italiani di seconda generazione che si affacciano al mondo del lavoro sono proprio ragazzi come gli altri. Finché non ce lo mettiamo in testa, non facciamo un buon servizio a nessuno. Academia incontra Sharoom Cristhell Torres Carbajal, presidente della associazione “La Nuova Generazione dell’Alto Adige – Brücke in die Welt”.

The Earth First: A Spiritual Leader Comes to Town

Tom Porter or Sakokwenionk (“The One Who Wins”), the spiritual leader of the Native American Indigenous Mohawk, comes to Eurac Research to work with design students from the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and pupils from a liceo linguistico and spread his message of harmony with the planet.

Spesso discriminati anche se qualificati

Uno studio di Eurac Research guarda alle esperienze dei ragazzi di seconda generazione in cerca di lavoro e propone alcune misure a favore delle pari opportunità.

Increasing human security and sustainable development in mountainous regions worldwide

Eurac Research and United Nations University are strengthening their cooperation with the aim of improving the living conditions of people in mountainous regions.
